A gift in your Will to Christ's College may reduce the amount of tax payable from your estate. This varies from country to country, so please seek advice from your solicitor, attorney or financial advisor.

Estate gifts to Christ's should be made with reference to the College in its full official title and include the College's Registered Charity Number (1137540).
Your attorney can provide advice on including an estate gift to Christ's.
 For our U.S. alumni, a planned gift can offer significant tax benefits; substantially reducing capital gains and estate taxes or providing immediate income to you or your beneficiary.
U.S. tax payers wishing to support Christ's through an estate plan may do so via Cambridge in America (CAm), a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organisation based in the US.
You can include a bequest to Christ's at the time of making your Will, or add a codicil to amend your existing Will. We suggest you seek an opinion from your own legal counsel before making a decision which will significantly impact tax liability.
Outright Bequests An outright bequest to Christ's through Cambridge in America is deductible for federal estate tax purposes, with no limit on the amount of charitable tax deduction your estate can take. In addition, bequests generally are not subject to state inheritance or estate taxes. This may vary from state to state, so please seek legal counsel when preparing your estate plans. In a large estate, the savings could be more than half the value of the bequest.
Suggested Wording for U.S. Donors "I BEQUEATH TO CAMBRIDGE IN AMERICA, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation organized and existing under the laws of the District of Columbia with the business address of 292 Madison Avenue, 8th Floor, New York, NY 10017, the residue/a proportion of the residue of my estate/the sum of $ (amount in dollars), to be used exclusively for its charitable purposes.
It is my hope that these funds will be utilized for the support of Christ's College, Cambridge (Registered Charity Number 1137540) for (area desired for support/the Master, Fellows and Scholars to apply in such a manner as they think fit for the benefit of the College)."