We produce several publications for our members:
Pieces is a newsletter published twice a year. It carries all the latest news from the College and alumni. The printed version is distributed to all of our members and friends.
e-Newsletters, sent in Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter, allow us to keep you informed about upcoming events and most up-to-date alumni news.
The Magazine is the College's official annual publication distributed to members each September. It records news from the Fellowship and College staff, reports from student clubs and societies, and information from and about about College events and our alumni. We also occasionally publish feature articles written by members of the College on themes related to the College's history and current research.
If you are not receiving Pieces or the College Magazine, we most likely do not have an accurate or current address for you. If this is the case, please take a moment to update your details here.
We are always looking for stories and contributors. If you have suggestions for content or if you are interested in writing for Pieces or for the Magazine, please contact
If you have news that you would like us to include in our publications, please let us know either by emailing or by filling in the online form here.

Past issues of the Friends of the Old Library Newsletter are available online.
Memories of War. In September 2011 a call was put out for the recollections of Christ's alumni who were students in the period shortly preceding, during and following the Second World War. The article Memories of War in Pieces, Issue 21, features a small selection of these. The webpage Memories of War features all the recollections sent in, in full (a word limit was set of 1000 words), including images and photos from the time and extracts from alumni publications regarding this period in Christ's history.