Fisher Society Lunch
The Inaugural Christ’s College Fisher Society event, which took place on Sunday 10th November, was a great success. The event was held in order to thank the College’s legators for their support and generosity in remembering Christ’s in their will and was very well attended.

Guests were invited to begin the day at the Service of Remembrance in the College Chapel before being served drinks in the SCR prior to a convivial lunch in Hall. After lunch, guests returned to the atmospheric Chapel to listen to a fascinating talk by Dr Francis Woodman on the last days of Lady Margaret, the College’s foundress. Dr Woodman gave a wonderfully entertaining account of Lady Margaret’s ancestry, personality and legacy and was a fitting topic for the day.
We are very grateful to all who support the College in continuing to flourish as a centre of academic excellence with a thriving spirit of achievement, dedication and community and legacies play an important part in doing so.
Christ's College is a registered charity, so a legacy to the College may reduce the inheritance tax payable on your estate. More information about this can be found here.
If you would like more information about leaving a legacy to Christ’s, please contact the Development Officer, Sarah Proudfoot on 01223 761769 or