British Saws and Sawmakers from c. 1660 by Simon Barley (m. 1959)

Historians of the various tools trades have long wanted a work specifically on saws and this, the first, is an attempt to match the detail and scholarship of the best that cover planes, cutlery, spanners and measuring tools. Simon Barley is a frequent writer and lecturer on saws and the history of their manufacture, and is able to base his work on fifteen years of original research and the building of a personal collection of saws - probably the largest in the world - which is housed with the renowned Ken Hawley Collection in Sheffield's Kelham Island Industrial Museum. Together, these collections form a unique research base and visitor attraction. This book is illustrated with almost 2000 photographs, the majority by Simon, and with its listings of saw makers and dealers, forms the most comprehensive directory to date of British names in the tool trades.
Now available worldwide from online booksellers at UK RRP of £55, or direct from the author at £45 (including free post and packing); a hardback edition is now also available at the UK price of £59, or from the author at £49.
Contact Simon Barley at:
Stafford Croft, Brookside, Bradwell, Hope Valley S33 9HF, England or Payment can be taken by cheque, BACS or Paypal.