US tax payers
If you are resident in the USA, you can make a tax-efficient gift to Cambridge in America. You can either donate online at their website, or simply send your check, made payable to 'Cambridge in America', to:
Cambridge in America PO Box 9123 JAF BLG New York, NY 10087-9123
You will need to state that you wish your gift to be allocated to support Christ's College. Grants from CAm to Christ's may be made for general purposes, or may be directed to support a particular area of College life, for example student support, teaching, research, libraries, sports, or the arts. If you wish to support one of these areas, you should indicate your preference when sending your gift to CAm.
It is also now possible for those who are subject to tax in both the UK and US to make a donation to Cambridge in America (UK) Ltd, a registered charity in England. You will then be simultaneously eligible for tax benefits in both countries. More information is available here.