Events information and FAQs



For alumni events we like to try and offer accommodation in College to those attending. Unfortunately, when events fall within term time, we are usually unable to do so. There are a wide range of alternatives throughout Cambridge:

If you are a holder of a CAMCard, you are entitled to a discount at a number of hotels in Cambridge. Details on how to obtain a CAMCard, and the special offers available are here:

You can find accommodation in another Cambridge College by using this directory.

If you have had a good experience at a hotel or B&B in Cambridge and would like to recommend it to other alumni, please get in touch and let us know. We aim to create a list of recommended local accommodation options for members of College. If you would like to contribute, please contact


We have a limited number of parking spaces available in College, with priority always given to those with a blue badge/mobility issues.

We suggest that alumni and guests driving into Cambridge use one of the cost-effective and easy to use Park and Ride facilities.

As an alternative, there are various city centre car parks available, with the closest to College being the Grand Arcade. Further details including parking charges can be found on the City Council's website.

If you do have a space reserved in the College car park, you can enter via Hobson Street. You will need to give your name to the Porters' Lodge via the intercom and they will buzz you in.

A map detailing the best way to reach Hobson Street (which is one way) can be accessed here.

Bookings, Payments and Cancellations

Bookings for events is on a first come, first served basis. Bookings are not confirmed until full payment is received.

Bookings will strictly not be accepted after the closing date.

In the case of an event reaching capacity before the closing date, a waiting list (on a first come, first served basis) will be put into operation.

Where there is a charge, this is always the lowest price that we are able to offer. We do not make a profit from our events and operate on a break even basis.

We request that (if there is a charge for the event) full payment is made before the date of the event and ideally by the event deadline. If you prefer not to pay online, you can pay by cheque (made payable to 'Christ's College'), by card over the phone (please call 01223 766710) or by direct bank transfer (please contact the Development Office for the account details) .

Please note that the College can only refund places for events up to ten days before the date of the event. It is fine to cancel your place at an event after that, but we will not be able to reimburse you. Please note, a small transaction fee may be deducted when issuing refunds. 

Where a refund is offered for a cancellation this will be confirmed in writing but it may take up to 10 working days to be processed.



Please be aware that a photographer may be present at our events. Photographs may be used in official College publicity materials, including the College website. If you do not wish to be photographed, or have any concerns about a photographer being present, please contact us. You are also asked to speak to the photographer on the day to avoid any misunderstanding.



Upcoming Events

5 April - MA Congregation
26 April - Head of the Cam
21 June - May Bumps
28 June - Association Dinner
29 June - Fisher Society Lunch
5 July - Reunion Lunch
6 July  - Family Day
6 September - First September Reunion
20 September - Second September Reunion
27 September - CCMAA Conference and dinner