The painter (Edouard) Auguste Bréal (Bachelier ès lettres 1888; Licencie ès lettres 1890; Licencie en droit 1892), son of the philologist Michel Bréal, was born in Paris 19 February 1869. He initially studied Hidustani, but matriculated at Christ’s in 1893 and read for the Diploma of the School of Oriental Languages. As an artist Bréal exhibited a full-length portrait of the poet André Salmon in the 1907 Salon d’Automne; in 1910 and 1911, he showed some landscapes of Spain. He also showed work at the Independants in 1931 and 1932. A writer as well as a painter, his works include a study of the works of Velasquez and Cheminents an itinerary of the artist’s travels from the Pyrenees to Andalucia. He also illustrated L’Ingrat by Gabriel d’Aubarède. He lived in Seville since 1907 where he was the correspondent of the Temps.
Les Jeux des Grecs et des Romains, 1899
Rembrandt, 1901
Velasquez, 1904