40th Anniversary of the Admission of Women to Christ's: Past Events
Profiles in Science
As part of the 40th anniversary of women at Christ’s; and in conjunction with ‘The Secrets of Life’ exhibition, the library took time to talk to some of our science alumnae and find out what they have done. Of the 1,857 women who have matriculated at Christ's in the past forty years, 679 have studied some form of maths or science. You can read some of their stories in full online, in this beautiful presentation - https://www.christs.cam.ac.uk/sites/www.christs.cam.ac.uk/files/inline-files/Online_Profiles_In_Science.pdf

Women 40 Masterclasses
During the academic year a number of Masterclasses have taken place, including one in February organised by Professor Sarah Radcliffe (Fellow) and Dr Natasha Tanna (Fellow) on "Challenging Dominant Disciplinary Paradigms in Human Geography and Literary and Cultural Studies". This masterclass focussed on race and coloniality with Beth Kamunge a black-feminist researcher specialising in food epistemologies from the University of Sheffield; and María Teresa Vera-Rojas, a specialist in Hispanic Caribbean, Gender, and Queer Studies from the University of Lleida.
Beth Kamunge is co-editor of The Fire Now: Anti-Racist Scholarship in Times of Explicit Racial Violence (Zed Books, 2018) https://www.zedbooks.net/shop/book/the-fire-now/
María Teresa Vera-Rojas author of "Se conoce que usted es 'Moderna'": Lecturas de la mujer moderna en la colonia hispana de Nueva York (1920-1940) https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/se-conoce-que-usted-es-moderna-mar-a-teresa-vera-rojas/1130066319

The Lady Margaret Beaufort Portrait Prize
The first of the College's celebrations of the anniversary was establishing the Lady Margaret Beaufort Portrait Prize, which invited entries that aimed to represent our foundress in her myriad roles, and which featured as part of a re-hang in Hall, temporarily replacing the paintings usually there.
Click here to read more.

Lady Margaret Lecture 'The elimination of cervical cancer by 2050 - reality or wishful thinking?'
Michaelmas Term's Lady Margaret Lecture, held on the 24 October, was given by Professor Margaret Stanley OBE (Honorary Fellow of Christ's).
Click here to read more about the lecture.

Seeley Society: Forty Years of Women at Christ's
Christ's College History Society held a panel discussion on the 24 October looking at Forty Years of Women at Christ's and featured four female History Fellows: Professor Susan Bayly, Dr Helen Pfeifer, Dr Harriet Lyon, and Dr Kathryn Rix, formerly a JRF and now working for the History of Parliament Trust.
JCR/FemSoc 'Feminist Caberet'
The JCR and FemSoc hosted a 'Feminist Caberet' featuring poetry and performance from female students on 25 October.

A Service of Celebration (40th anniversary of the admission of women students)
On 4 November a special choral service took place to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the admission of women, with musical and spoken contributions from a range of College alumnae.
The Portraiture of Lady Margaret Beaufort
Frederick Hepburn, an independent historian and expert on late medieval portraiture, was invited by the Seeley Society on the 14 November to provide a lecture and a visual guide to the portraits of Christ's College's Foundress.

Chapel Service at Commemoration of Benefactors
On 30 November the Chapel Service prior to the Commemoration of Benefactors, in this celebratory year, was led by the Reverend Dr Jill Duff (m. 1990) who is the Anglican Bishop of Lancaster.

Inspirational Women's Dinner
Current students were invited to attend an Inspirational Women's Dinner in College Saturday 19 January and to bring guests who are women who have been an important inspiration to them, such as a teacher or a lecturer. Professor Bayly made a short speech, and with some brief words from a current undergraduate student reflecting on the anniversary and welcoming guests who have been instrumental in helping our students (both male amd female) reach their potential.

Wednesday 30 January 2019: Lady Margaret Lecture
Professor Naomi Lamoreaux, Stanley B. Resor Professor of Economics and Professor of History at Yale University, and Distinguished Visiting Scholar at Christ's for the academic year 2018-19, gave a Lady Margaret Lecture "Getting the American Model Right: State Constitutional Revision and the Achievement of General Laws in the Mid-Nineteenth Century U.S" as part of our 40th anniversary celebrations.

Cambridge Female Composers Festival
We are proud to have supported the Cambridge Female Composers Festival as part of our 40th anniversary celebrations of the admission of women. There were several events taking place in College, including Evensong on 24 February which was conducted by Laura Dunkling (m 2015), and featured canticles, responses, introit and anthems by female composers. To see more about the Festival click here.