Welcome to the Autumn issue of the e-newsletter
Celebrating Forty Years of Women at Christ's

Over the academic year 2018-19, the College is celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the admission of women to Christ's, as graduate students in 1978 and undergraduate students in 1979. This is an important milestone in the College's history, and there are a number of commemorative events, dinners and celebrations taking place in honour of the anniversary. The College has already established The Lady Margaret Beaufort Portrait Prize, inviting entries that aimed to represent our foundress in her myriad roles, and which feature as part of a re-hang in Hall, temporarily replacing the paintings usually there. The JCR and FemSoc also hosted a 'Feminist Cabaret', featuring poetry and performance from female students on 25 October. There will be many more interesting and exciting events to take part in, so please look out for dates and ticket information as they are made available on our various social media channels, through the e-newsletter and in our alumni publications.
You can also visit our dedicated anniversary web pages here for up to date news and information.
College Successes
Recently the College has enjoyed a number of successes. In August, the results of the 2018 Tompkins Table, a league table that compares the examination results of students at each of the twenty-nine Cambridge undergraduate colleges, was released. We were delighted to learn that Christ’s had been placed first overall. Congratulations were also in order for the Master, Professor Jane Stapleton, who, in September, was awarded the prestigious Degree of Doctor of Laws honoris causa by the University of Adelaide in recognition of her contributions to legal society. Professor David Klenerman (Fellow) was awarded a Royal Medal by the Royal Society, jointly with Professor Sir Shankar Balasubramanian (Fellow at Trinty College, Cambridge), for their co-development of DNA sequencing techniques transforming biology and genomic medicine. Finally, we welcomed our new and returning students to College in October. This year 122 undergraduates and 116 graduate students matriculated. We wish them all a productive and enjoyable time at Christ's.

2018 Matriculation photograph
The Lady Margaret Portrait Prize
The first of the anniversary celebrations of 2018 was the competition for the Lady Margaret Portrait Prize and the subsequent re-hangiof the portraits in Hall.
The two prize-winners were Yasmina El Chami (m. 2017, PhD student in Architecture) with Mar-garet Polyptych, 1968-2018 (series of five photographs) and Emil Sands (m. 2017, Classics) with Lady in Blue (Margaret Beaufort) (oil on canvas). You can read more about the prize, including what the artists said about their work and images of the winning entries, here.
College Conservation Project
We are delighted to report that the extensive conservation project we have been updating you on over the last few e-newsletters is finally complete! The project included the Great Gate, the stonework above the Master's Lodge, and the gate leading to the Fellows' Garden.
It has been a huge success and the results are fantastic! Look out for a fuller report of the project which will be published in the Michaelmas issue of Pieces.

The completed conservation work on the gate to the Fellows' Garden (L), the Great Gate (centre), and above the Master's Lodge (R)
News from the Old Library
To find out more about the Old Library, you can read the latest Friends of the Old Library Newsletter here.
Outreach News
We are excited to send out the inaugural Outreach News - a summary of the work that our wonderful Outreach and Access team has been up to over the past year, as well as an overview of their activities inside and outside of College to encourage the best and brightest to apply to Christ’s, regardless of background. A link to the publication can be found here.
We hope that you enjoy the report, and please get in contact with any questions you have about the Outreach work that we do at Christ’s College. To keep informed of what is going on, don’t forget to follow their twitter @ChristsAccess.
Christ's College Magazine 2018
This year's College Magazine has now been published. You can read the online version of the publication here.
Down at the Bottom of the Garden...
Readers of the most recent installment of the Garden Diary will recall that this summer saw a prolonged spell of drought. While the lawns suffered two months of relentless sunshine, our two Mulberry trees flourished, producing a bumper crop of fruit. We picked the mulberries in late July and sent them to the kitchens, where they are used to make jam for the Fellows. August was a good month for the Gardens. The long-awaited return of rain saw the lawns regain their colour and the plants become vigorous once more; the Cambridgeshire Beekeepers’ Association Honey Show awarded our honey second prize out of twenty-six entries in the ‘taste and aroma’ category; and the Daily Telegraph awarded Dr Geoffrey Ingham (Fellow) first prize in its prestigious Great British Gardens competition for his garden in Suffolk. We are pleased to report that Christ’s has a newly created Herb Garden, which is situated on one of the lower sections of the roof of New Court, created in collaboration with the Christ’s Horticultural and Botanical Society (CHABS). CHABS planted out the garden in October, and it has transformed the section of the roof it occupies from a featureless space to a pleasant spot to sit!

(L to R): Herb Garden in progress; Members of CHABS planting up; sunshine in the Fellows' Garden
Don't forget that you can leave a comment or suggest a topic for the Gardening Diary on our online alumni NetCommunity pages here. Please log on and select 'Discussion Groups' from the Alumni Community drop down menu. If you have forgotten your password then click 'forgotten log in details' and follow the instructions. We'd love to hear from you!
You can also follow the Christ's Gardening team on Instagram @christscollegegradens.